Category 1

Professional, Public Service & Postgraduate Students (Lecturers/Teachers/ Researchers, Industry/Public Sector)

Category 2

Tertiary Level/ Higher Institution Student (Universities/ University College/ Polytechnics/ Colleges/ Matriculations / Schools


AIINEx Concept & Design Innovation Competition

This category is open for submissions of innovative conceptual designs and/or start-up ideas that offer innovative solutions to problems. It should show the concept design, target market, and financial viability (including how it improves over existing designs). The anticipated paradigm shift brought on by the design/idea is given the highest weight in the judging, along with the design’s sustainability, eco-friendliness, choice of materials, degree of technical innovation, etc.

AIINEx Product Innovation Competition

This category welcomes the submission of innovative projects and/or tech start-ups that offer innovative solutions to problems. It should show the product’s technical specs, target market, and financial viability (including how it improves over existing products). The anticipated paradigm shift brought on by the product is given the highest weight in the judging, along with the product’s sustainability, eco-friendliness, choice of materials, degree of technical innovation, etc.

AIINEx Young Innovators Competition

This category welcomes young students from school and polytechnic colleges to showcase innovative designs/products solutions for everyday issues with the assistance of qualified educators. These practical solutions encourage participants to learn and provide positive change for their target users.